How WE Make A 

Making a Difference


Total Contributions 2022-2023
Through membership fees, generous donations, Corporate Partnerships, Concessions and Spirit Store sales, LFHS Boosters supports athletes, coaches and Scouts fans. Boosters is proud to support the following initiatives:
How YOU can make a difference
Thanks to our Community Partnership with NorthShore University Health Systems, LFHS Boosters hosts a PINK (SC)OUT football game every October in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. We partner with Scout Nation to create a paper chain on which students are encouraged to fill out a link in memory, honor or celebration of someone who has been impacted by cancer.
Boosters by Numbers 2022-2023
In 2022-2023 LFHS Boosters provided:
Athletic Equipment (ACE) Grants - $67,200
Team Special Events and Team Volunteer Hours - $31,200
Facility Improvements - $23,600
Images of Excellence Mural - $20,300
Varsity team grants - $4,500
OSAA Scholarships - $3,000
Coaches’ PD grants - $800

Total  - $150,600

How WE Make a Difference


Coaches’ Professional Development Grants

These grants provide professional development grants to LFHS coaches. By participating in coaching clinics, seminars and other professional development activities, our athletes and coaches grow. Any coach may contact the LFHS Athletic Director for information and an application.

Varsity Team Grants

These grants assist teams in participating in athletic camps and high caliber competitions. Last year, Boosters provided funding for 4 Varsity teams in order for them to offset the cost of attending these events.

Athletic Competition Equipment Grants

Boosters underwrites the cost of equipment, gear and events for our teams and fans. In recent years, Boosters has helped to upgrade weight room equipment, provide heart rate monitors for multiple athletic teams, and provide funding to Scout Nation for supplies that enhance our fans’ experiences at various sporting events. In 2022-2023, Boosters provided more than $67,200 to upgrade and purchase equipment requested by LFHS Coaches. Over the past years, every LFHS sport has received support from Boosters. Every coach is encouraged to apply for an ACE Grant on behalf of their team on an annual basis.

Athletic Participation Grants

These grants ensure all who want to participate in athletic programs can. At the request of the Athletic Department, Boosters award students with need-based grants to cover costs including athletic participation fees and additional team and uniform fees.


Boosters is proud to fully fund ImPACT™ neurocognitive assessment tools to assist in determining an athlete’s fitness to return to competition after suffering a concussion, as well as support additional injury prevention programs for athletes and coaches.


In cooperation with our Team Parent Program, we provide funds directly to teams to help offset the costs of team dinners, banquets, senior celebrations, etc. Amounts contributed to teams are directly correlated to a team’s participation in the Team Parent Program, which includes completing parent volunteer hours.


In addition to supporting athletes and teams and coaches, Boosters celebrates all Scouts fans by supporting Scout Nation and highlighting the achievements of our alumni.


Each year, Boosters recognizes four senior athletes with the Outstanding Senior Athlete Award. These students have demonstrated excellence through their athletic performance, leadership, spirit and sportsmanship as an athlete at LFHS. Four $1,000 awards are given to two outstanding female and two outstanding male athletes. These award winners are prominently displayed on the “Images of Excellence Mural”.
 *Seniors who will be collegiate athletes receiving full Division 1 scholarships may not be eligible to accept the monetary award portion of the OSAA in order to adhere to NCAA guidelines.  All senior athletes are encouraged to apply for the OSAA.
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